1245 Maple Hill Court, Unit 8,
Newmarket, ON,
L3Y 9E8
+1(905) 898-5822
StealthLite 2410C LED Flashlight
Part # : 2410-016-110
Same features as the StealthLite™ 2400 Flashlight, but with the LED module that produces a true, bright collimated LED beam. The 2410 is corrosion proof, resistant to extreme temperatures, and submersible. It is powered by 4 AA alkaline cells (included). For hands-free operation, attach it to your hard hat with our optional helmet light holder.
As bright as a Xenon light with the battery life of an LED
Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions. Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas