1245 Maple Hill Court, Unit 8,
Newmarket, ON,
L3Y 9E8
+1(905) 898-5822
  • Running Line Tensiometer, CableGlider HD

    Part # : 08677360

    Accuracy of 600 lbs. (2,669 N).

    Units comes standard with the following:

    - Mechanical Sensing Unit

    - ECB with these standard features:

    - Large LED readout

    - Paperless recorder with Trend Display,

    - Compact Flash Drive with 64MB Flash Card o USB Interface

    - Load Cell and Cord

    - Mounting Hardware

    - Card Reader and Software


    Images are representative of product. Product may not be exactly as shown.

    Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions.  Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas