1245 Maple Hill Court, Unit 8,
Newmarket, ON,
L3Y 9E8
+1(905) 898-5822
  • 2/0 Copper Shrouded Ferrule

    Part # : C6002624
    Shrouded threaded copper ferrule 2/0
    • Shrouded ferrules overlap onto the grounding cable jacket for stress relief to the terminal
    • Two crimps secure the ferrule against the bare strands and one crimp applies on the jacket
    • Available either factory-installed in pairs on any cable length specified or as separate individual units
    • The ferrules install simply with a hydraulic crimping tool
    • Complete illustrated installation instructions come with the ferrules and include a table for the crimping die sizes to use



    Images are representative of product. Product may not be exactly as shown.

    Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions.  Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas